I have been on a Gluten Free diet for several years now. I found out by accident how badly it was effecting me but now I have more energy, my hands work better than they have since I was 18 and I don’t fall asleep after lunch!
When first cut gluten out of my diet it was quite hard to work out what I could eat. These days it has improved a lot. Food labeling has improved so much and many companies now have allergy flashes under the ingredience listing to more common allergens if they contain them. Most supermarkets do free from ranges which do gluten, wheat, dairy etc free items. Most are expensive but give you more options. So are better than others but that is always the case
I like Dove Farms plain flour for everyday use but want to try using other flours for some things. For some reason soya flour and chocolate brownies go together very well.
I also regularly cook for someone who is lactose intolerant plus someone who can’t eat tomatoes or eggs though she can have eggs in things like pastry.