Monday, 1 December 2008

Menu 1st - 5th Dec 2008

We have had rather a run of people being ill with colds and sickness bugs and now I'm feeling worse for wear but I'm not sure if it's a bug or something I ate, dehydration or something... we had a great weekend at my aunts 60th birthday celebrations but for all her and the hotels efforts I'm not sure I didn't eat something I shouldn't have. On the way home I developed a huge headache which got so bad I ended up throwing up and I still feel heady with a rough stomach today.

That being the case and the fact himself is on late shifts today the menu is going to be quick and easy dishes we can cook without thought.

This weeks host for the gluten free menu swap is Heart of Cooking and they chose persimmons as the ingredient of the week. I've never tried them so if I am feeling up to it and can find one I may try them later in the week. Either way check out her blog to see what everyone else is cooking and to see her very intriguing upside down cake.

Monday - Burgers and chips and salad

Tuesday - pasta with tomato and veggy sauce

Wensday - Baked potato with various toppings including tuna and sweetcorn and cheese

Thursday - rice and stuff (ie rice with various added bits, vegs, meat etc)

Friday - Cauliflower cheese

I thought I'd explain a bit about our cauliflower cheese as we often have it on the menu and I know for some people it s a side dish. Thing is we add a lot more to it than just cauliflower and cheese so it really is a complete meal.

The picture at the top of this post is the final dish.

This picture is of the three main stages. Cauliflower and broccoli which we steam or boil till just soft. various vegs and bits fried off including this time leek, peppers and some left over gammon though we don't always add meat. Finally a cheese sauce made from GF flour, butter, milk, a little mustard powder and grated cheese. I can't give amounts as we just make it by eye but as long as it is thicker than milk ad still thin enough to pour pretty much any consistancy of sauce works.

The vegs are all mixed together in a dish deep enough for a layer of cauliflower florets to sit well. Then they are covered with the cheese sauce and more grated cheese and baked in an oven at 200C for about 30 mins..

1 comment:

  1. that looks delicious!!! I love gluten free cheese sauces poured over veggies!!
